Monday, August 27, 2007

Girls Night Out!!!!

So on Tuesday the 21st Josh Groban came into town and 12 of us went to dinner than the concert. We had sooo much fun!! It was an incredible evening, but what I found more amazing was the way Dan and Daigen spent the evening. Dan said they just played around outside for awhile, but it wasn't until I was trying to post pictures of Daigen's birthday that I found these adorable pics.... here is what Daigen and Daddy did............

The Western Idaho Fair

So we went to the fair on Monday it was family day, so no alcohol or smoking allowed. Daigen really liked it, I think he has developed the same "disease" his Dad and I have, he LOVES to people watch and well, the fair kind a brings out some scary folks!!! :) He loved to go to the barns and see all the animals. Here are a few pictures of him with the animals.....

Daigen's 1st Birthday!!!!!!

I can not believe my baby is already 1!!!! This last year has flown by sooooo fast!! It seems like just yesterday we were leaving the hospital in Utah with him.. He has been a complete blessing to us!!! And has brought more joy to the both of us than we ever thought possible. We thank our Father in Heaven every day for leading Chelsea to us. We want her to know how much we love her and are so grateful for the little bundle of joy she has brought into our lives... Okay, we all know there is nothin' little about Daigen!!! :) His birthday was the 18th, but we celebrated it on the 19th. We had a little party and some close friends and family came over. Daigen LOVED his cake, but then again,what almost 27lb one year old wouldn't,... right??!! Here are a few pictures of his birthday!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Our Ward Campout

This last weekend we had our ward campout at Givens Hot Springs in Marsing. We had a lot of fun, it seemed like it was a lot of work for one night, but it still was fun! They have a natural hot springs pool there and Daigen had a fun time in the water with Daddy. Although, I forgot to take a picture of them in the pool. Here are the only pictures taken.

Here is Daigen in the morning, his sweatshirt was a little to small for him. It was cute, one gal in our ward says "fat man in a little coat" (from Tommy Boy), but it was so true.

Here we are outside of our "Hilton" as everyone there was calling it.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

A weekend in pure Heaven!!!!

So this Thursday we took off and headed to McCall for the weekend. Our friends Kim & Jarom have a family cabin right on the lake. we had the funniest time ever!!! There was 7 families there and two boats!! Daigen LOVED it there sooo much he would sit in the sand and play in the water all day. There was this old dog that lives next door and Daigen loved him so much. He got his first official owie while we were there and luckily we had a nurse in the group with us and she bandaged him up, he sliced his finger on an empty pop can that he got a hold of!! Yikes!! Here are a few pictures from the weekend, but first we want to thank Kim & Jarom for their incredible friendship. We feel so blessed to have had our paths crossed. we know they would do anything for us and we love them so much, Kim thanks so much for an incredible weekend that we will always remember, we hope there will be many more memories shared!!! We love you guys...........